Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!! We started off our Christmas by attending The Chapel's Christmas Eve service. There isn't anything more important than remembering why we celebrate Christmas. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the presents and decorations, but without Christ NONE of it matters!! So, Happy Birthday Jesus!! We are so THANKFUL God sent you to save us!!! That is the greatest gift we could ever receive!!!

We woke up Christmas morning at home and started off with breakfast. We knew if we opened presents before breakfast, we would never get Logan to eat. He would be too interested in playing!

What a difference a year has made. Logan enjoyed Christmas last year, but he was really into opening up the gifts this year. In fact, if there was a present, whether it was his or not, he wanted to open it. Here's a glimpse into our family Christmas!

Helping Daddy open up one of his presents
A duck game from Santa!
Playdough Center
A car that makes a lot of noise and drives around!
Giving the car a test drive with Daddy

After we finished our family Christmas, we headed up to Elkhart to spend the rest of the day with my family: Mom and Dad, Brad and Jordan, Grandpa and Grandma, Uncle E and Aunt Pam, Reagan, Ryan and Liz. We only see the Eakins' crew a few times a year, so there was much to catch up on. We enjoyed some delicious food cooked by my mom and grandma. When it came time to pass out presents, Logan was one of "Santa's helpers."

Glen, Jordan, Logan, Ryan, Aunt Pam
Whose gift is this? It's quite heavy!!
Where are you Mom?
Logan and Great-Grandma
Waiting patiently to open it!!
I wonder what he's thinking!
Playtime with Papa
Daddy is off in La-La Land
Stuffing cars down his sweater
Silly boy

On Saturday morning, we woke up at my parent's house and celebrated Christmas with my immediate family. Once again, Logan was "Santa's helper" along with Aunt JoJo!!!
This bag is bigger than Logan is!
Grandma opening a gift
Punching out the pieces to his Handy Manny board game
Papa opening a gift
Uncle B and Aunt JoJo
Daddy putting together Logan's new marble game. This was, by far, Logan's favorite gift. He wasn't interested in opening any other presents. He wanted this put together so he could play it. There were many pieces, so it took Daddy some time to figure everything out!
Playing with some of the marble race pieces.
We had a wonderful time with our family and loved spending time with them. It seems our schedules keep us so busy we rarely have time to get together. That is definitely another bonus of Christmas.....we make the time to see family!! We hope each and every one of you had a blessed Christmas!!!

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